
What stands out as a landmark in my history in a surprising way is my early days in Southern California.  Born in Los Angeles, my first home was in Culver City.  My dad worked in the aircraft industry back then during the war II years.  Ryan Aviation, and Hughes Aircraft were household words.

We later moved up to San Fernando Valley living in what was called Sepulveda.  The house was demolished at 15603 Lassen St. by the Golden State freeway but I can remember bits of that time.   All  that remains is a few photos of the house my dad built.  The corner where I caught the school bus is still there but the landscape is dwarfed by the freeway.

1st and 2nd grade are dim memories.  A best friend I met and I parted as my parents decided to move back to their homeland in Minnesota.  I wish I could recal the name of the school.  I have some historical research to do.  I have longings for filling in the details that seem lost forever with that and many other family moves.  I would grow up in the upper midwest but the experience of those heated valley days would remain.

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